Webpage Type
Our powerful SEO software allows you to profile backlinks, by their structural type. This means you can see exactly the type of page it’s linking to, whether it’s a Blog, a Forum, an Ecommerce site or maybe a News site. If you’re running an analysis on your competitors, this classification can really come in handy when determining which type of sites seems to be more likely to link to you, based on your competitors’ profiles.
Link Positioning
This feature will classify each analyzed link by its type (Blogroll, Blog Post, in Content Link, etc). Running a backlink analysis on your competitors allows you to find out where they’re hiding their most valuable links. Once you’ve figured it out where they’re getting traffic from, you can use those data to create a top-notch link building strategy for your site. Along with that, you can also take advantage of the timeline analysis to see the evolution of your site and your competitors’ sites.